Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Police Say Skeletal Hand Not Human
Remains Washed Up On Diamond Head Beach

POSTED: 11:29 am HST December 28, 2009
UPDATED: 11:42 am HST December 28, 2009
Police Say Skeletal Hand Not Human] Police Say Skeletal Hand Not Human]
HONOLULU -- Honolulu police now say the skeletal remains of what appeared to be a human hand are that of an animal.

Police homicide investigators thought they might have a mysterious case, after a patrol officer found what seemed to be the skeletal remains of a human hand washed up on the beach at Diamond Head.

The officer made the discovery early Saturday morning. The case was referred to homicide.

A detective from the missing persons detail told KITV on Monday that the Honolulu Police Department has determined the bones were from an animal, not a human hand.

Copyright 2009 by KITV.com All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Police investigating hand bones that washed ashore.

By Star-Bulletin Staff

POSTED: 04:53 p.m. HST, Dec 26, 2009
A Honolulu police officer found an unusual discovery yesterday during a routine check at Diamond Head lookout: skeletal remains of a human hand.

At about 12:15 a.m., the officer was at the lookout and noticed what appeared to be skeletal remains of a human hand wash up on shore, police said.

The investigation is ongoing.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Di, Mary, Robin, Toni, Suzette...No this is not Kim. She sadly has not been found. This is her sister Stephanie. I made this Blog for her and for friends who might want updates or to reach her family with any news they might want to share publicly or privately. We all miss Kim deeply and hope to find the truth. Thank you for your thoughts.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Can't believe that Stan "The man" Jacobs managed finally last week to give my mother one thing in remembrance of her daughter Kimberly; a dime store calender of Hawaii.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let's Become Little Old Ladies Together...

Let's become little old ladies together - we'll stay up late looking at old pictures,
telling "remember when" stories, and laughing till our sides ache.
Let's become eccentric together - the kind of old ladies who take long walks,
wear silly hats, and get away with acting outrageous in public places.
And if anybody should ask how long we've been friends,
we'll say, "Oh, forever - since before you were even born!"
Let's become little old ladies together - because a friendship that's as special as ours can only grow better through the years.

This is what we always thought would be...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Of course. We think of her all the time. I only worked with her for a little while, but there are so many good stories. Everyone misses her.

Mary Sullivan Preston
Stephanie, She was amazing. I'm sorry you still don't have any information. She is missed, and was a wonderful mother, sister, and friend. A truly beautiful person, both inside and out.

Wendy Meccum
I was on Maui last week and the last time I was on Maui before that was last February with Kimberly. We took the Superferry over. She got up at 4 am and went to see the sunrise on Haleakala. Then she biked down and met me for breakfast at Kula Lodge and she tried to finagle a fellow biker out of his cool bike shirt. Every corner I turned last week reminded me poignantly of that great time we had together and I marvel at how much has changed since then.

Kathy Helfrich
Kim always made us smile! She inspired me to educate myself, to work hard and to love life! I work through life with her in mind and her strength and happy spirit continues to enlighten me and drive me!! Thank you Kim!!!! Much love and confetti!

Aimee Turnier

Friday, August 21, 2009


I will pray for everyones peace and ease of mind, especially yours. Take some time out to be thankful and reflect on the postive aspects of your mom today. We surely had a wonderful person in our lives. I love you, You are a great person, an extension of her, which is a huge compliment. Try to stay up, I know it is hard but that is what she would want.

With love,
Your cousin Jana
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of my sister Kimberly Day. We still have no concrete evidence as to what happened to her. The investigation is still ongoing. Please take a minute and send a positive thought out for Kimberly. She was an amazing sister who possessed a positive energetic spirit that I always felt and enjoyed. We miss her very much!
Anonymous said...

What happened a year ago!!! Tomorrow is 21st August!
I want to know!!!!! We all need to finally know what happened.
Kimberly you are so dearly missed, every day!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Monday, July 6, 2009

User Image
goldeeelocs wrote:
"Friends and even family members of Kimberly Jacobs still ask her husband, Stan, if she's returned yet, after disappearing 10 months ago from their Waikiki apartment." "They just assume she's back because they haven't heard anything," he said.

"even family members" ask you this? I hardly think so, unless they are related to you. How stupid of a statement is that!? Stan Jacobs has no support from any of Kimberly's family, he is not trusted. None of Kimberly's family or her close friends attended Stan's "celebration" for just that reason. A little too late Stan!
07/06/2009 3:34:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We focus on her everyday...our family will be celebrating her life privately on June 30th. We are glad for the media coverage as it brings awareness that this is an ongoing investigation for a missing person who was loved by many. She will not be forgotten and we will have answers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

"Kimberly's "husband" now says she's probably just been on a sailboat for the past ten months.
If a husband says his missing wife is somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean, well.......

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 30th 2009

Her family will be celebrating her life in private.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

28 May at 16:51 · Comment · LikeUnlike · Show feedback (1)Hide feedback (1)
You like this.
Stephanie Williams Humphries
Stephanie Williams Humphries at 16:58 on 28 May
Yeah...we were just watching cold case files on TV...The question to the husband was "What's being done about this, why is everyone else asking and not you?"

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Stephanie Williams Humphries Kimberly Day Jacobs KIMBERLY IS DEEPLY MISSED BY HER DAUGHTER AUTUMN AND SISTER STEPHANIE.... KIMBERLY WOULD NEVER LEAVE HER DAUGHTER!!!!! SOMEONE KNOWS SOMETHING.... Missing Kimberly Jacobs Missing from Hawaii August 21, 2008


Sunday, March 29, 2009

It has been 7 months since Kimberly was taken from us...we continued to ask for the public's help. If you know anything thing please contact the Honolulu police dept. This is an on going investigation.
Some people during "searches" have been told not to report tips directly to the police...this in incorrect! Contact Crime Stoppers with any information you deem helpful.

Mahalo, Stephanie

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Stephanie is asking everyone to see the website for Kimberly
and sign in. http://www.findkimberlyjacobs.com/.

Jason Williams post

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."
-- Abraham Lincoln

I never knew another person that could so completely
seize the moment as Auntie Kim - Whether it be traveling
around the world, scuba diving for the day, or a car ride
around the corner - everything seemed like an adventure
with infinite possibilities to grab life by the horns.

Wherever you are, Auntie Kim, I love you and I celebrate
your life by living every day to the fullest in my own!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thanks to the Community United Effort and Linda.
New WEB SITE: http://www.findkimberlyjacobs.com/.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wanted Information...

Last seen: late afternoon or evening of Thursday, August 21, 2008 at Apt.
506 of the Diamond Head Ambassador, 2957 Kalakaua Avenue, in Honolulu.
Circumstances of disappearance: Kimberly's husband, Stanley S. Jacobs,
states she vanished from their apartment sometime between 6:15 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
on the evening of Thursday, August 21. Everything a woman ordinarily would take
with her was found inside the apartment, including Kimberly's purse, keys, cell
phone, identification, passport, money, credit cards, etc. She did not take her
vehicle. Her husband states that Kimberly never returned home that night. He did
not initiate a search for Kimberly or report her missing. When asked why, her
husband responded, "I wouldn't know what to do with her if I found her." A friend
on the mainland eventually called the police and reported Kimberly missing.
Kimberly has not been heard from since. Any reported "sightings" have
proven erroneous. No one believes Kimberly simply ran away.
How you can help: Kimberly's friends and family need any information that
may shed light on what happened to her. Things that may help include:
1. All photos or videos taken from Thursday, August 21 through
Sunday, August 24, 2008, of the area in question. Don't assume the photograph or
video is unimportant. It may contain vital clues (such as persons, vehicles, tiny
objects, etc.) What is not seen in a photograph may be as important as what is seen.
We need every picture, including any by visitors or guests. Please indicate when
and where each photo or video was taken, if known, and by who.
The area at issue includes the Diamond Head Ambassador co-op (2957
Kalakaua), and everything in a radius of several blocks around there, including the
ocean, the seawall in front of DHA, the streets, sidewalks, parking, stairways, etc.
2. Tell us anything you witnessed or heard that could shed light on
what may have happened to Kimberly.
3. Any other information that may be relevant to the investigation. For
instance, did anyone stand to benefit (financially or otherwise) if something bad
happened to Kimberly? Did she seem afraid of anyone, or quarrel with someone
(including her husband)? Did you see Kimberly, or speak to her, in the days or
weeks before she vanished? Did you observe any change in usual routines? Were
any suspicious vehicles or persons observed in the area?
Did you observe a gate key near the seawall at any time from Thursday,
August 21 through Sunday, August 24?
NOTE: Nothing said in this flyer should be construed as accusing anyone of
wrongdoing. This is a missing persons investigation. After over four months,
Kimberly's family still has more questions than answers. The more people can tell
us (and the police) about the situation, the better the chances of eventually getting
some answers.
You can mail any information (including written information, photographs,
and CD-ROMs or DVDs containing digital images or videos) to:
Jackie Sanders, Box 4111, Medford, OR 97501
Or you may email information or pictures to:
(this is a broadband connection, so large attachments are okay)
Or call:
541/ 773-1765 (Kimberly's friend in Oregon who reported her missing)
619/ 421-8861 (Kimberly's sister Stephanie in California)
Your assistance is greatly appreciated. We want to talk with everyone who knew
Kimberly, or may have information that sheds light on her disappearance. If you are unsure
whether your information is useful, please err on the side of providing the information.
the quality in order to make the file size smaller). To reveal maximum detail, we
need the highest quality original file available. Thank you.
21-24, 2008, or during the weeks before and after Kimberly disappeared.
Information regarding Kimberly's disappearance is also available at:

For our Mom...

http://community.shutterfly.com/gallery/post/ start.sfly?postId=/gallery/1/post/GMGDFgzcM2T Jo1ZAt3DHVq

Sunday, January 4, 2009